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1  Chuo Expressway

December 1999 Toki Tunnel 208KB December 1999 Komagatake SA Southern Alps mountain range 133KB December 1999 Futaba SA Mt. Fuji 171KB December 1999 Futaba SA 308KB
1999年12月土岐トンネル 1999年12月 駒ケ岳SA 南アルプス連峰 1999年12月 双葉SA 富士山 1999年12月 双葉SA

2  Tomei Expressway

January 2000 Hamanako SA 175KB January 2000 Fujikawa SA 207KB January 2000 Gotemba Mt.Fuji 103KB January 2000 Gotemba Mt.Fuji 151KB
 2000年1月 浜名湖SA 2000年1月 富士川SA 2000年1月 御殿場 富士山 2000年1月 御殿場 富士山

3  Chiba City Neighborhood Association Bon Festival

August 15, 2000 Niagara Falls 239KB August 15, 2000 89KB August 15, 2000 Bon Dance 148KB 2000年8月15日 117KB
2000年8月15日ナイアガラの滝 2000年8月15日 2000年8月15日 盆踊り 2000年8月15日

4  Hawaii

October 2003 Polynesian Cultural Center 571KB by Hamada October 2003 Polynesian Cultural Center 771KB by Hamada October 2003 Waikiki hotel from Diamond Head 785KB by Hamada October 2003 Waikiki hotel from Diamond Head 510KB by Hamada
2003年10月ポリネシア文化センター 2003年10月ポリネシア文化センター 2003年10月ダイヤモンドヘッドからのワイキキのホテル 2003年10月ダイヤモンドヘッドからのワイキキのホテル

5  From the top of Mount Fuji

2004/08 Mount Fuji Nomine 837KB by Jeanette Dennisson 2004/08 Sunset from the top of Mt. Fuji, 354KB by Jeanette Dennisson 2004/08 Mt.Fuji Crossroad, 487KB by Jeanette Dennisson
2004/08 富士山の峰 2004/08 富士山の頂上から見た夕日 2004/08 富士山の十字路

2004/08 The Process of Ants (The ants go marching one by one.), 442KB by Jeanette Dennisson 2004/08 Rocky mountainside overlooking Mt. Fuji skyline, 643KB by Jeanette Dennisson 2004/08 Above the clouds of Mt. Fuji, 555KB by Jeanette Dennisson
2004/08 蟻の行列(The ants go marching one by one.) 2004/08 富士山のスカイラインを見渡すロッキー山腹 2004/08 富士山の雲の上

6  Foshan, China

2014/12 Mount Fuji
From Narita to Guangzhou Yunnan Airport
Air travel, now changed from Haneda Sky
China Southern Airlines
2014/12 5 Star Hotel
First hotel I stayed at
It's beautiful, but it's not convenient
2015/02 Stilts Izakaya
Foshan city center
Chinese clerk speaks Japanese
A lot of Japanese people come to drink
2014/12 富士山 2014/12 5星ホテル 2015/02 竹馬居酒屋

2015/04 Minghui Harbor Hotel
Dali, Guangdong
Second 3 star hotel
There is a supermarket in front of the hotel, which is convenient
2015/04 RT-Mart supermarket in front of the hotel
Dali, Guangdong
There is Ajisen ramen. There is also a sushi restaurant.
One tuna grip costs about 400 yen.
Canned beer is about 200 yen for half a dozen.
2015/04 Taxi motorcycle
The two-seater is a taxi.
Dali has many motorcycle taxis
Don't wear a helmet
It feels like Japan in the 1960s
The car is on the left
2015/04 Minghui Harbour Hotel RT-Martスーパー 2015/04 タクシーオートバイ

2015/04 Minghui Harbor Hotel
There is no distinction between single and semi-double
10 times larger than Japanese business hotels
I rented a heater because there was no heating
Dali is a no heating area
2015/04 Breakfast
It is a buffet of Chinese food
Meat dishes have a slightly different taste
White is soy milk
Chinese vegetables are the same everywhere
It ’s a green vegetable on the bottom plate
2015/12 View from the hotel room
The room is on the 20th floor
There is a red tile on the roof of the apartment
A vast plain with no mountains
The sky is always cloudy
2015/04 Minghui Harbour Hotel RT-Martスーパー 2015/12 ホテルの部屋からの景色

2015/11 Zu Temple Museum
Foshan city center
Admission is 18 yuan (360 yen)
Taoist temple built in the Bĕisòng era
There are many tourists
2015/11 Huang Fei Memorial Park
There is a yellow lion show
There is a bench
I drank cola while taking a break
2015/11 Qing Dynasty symbol
Stone pool and stone turtle and snake
Three doors were made in the early Qing Dynasty
The main entrance of the temple
2015/11 祖廟博物館

2015/11 黄飛記念公園

2015/11 清王朝のシンボル

2015/11 Many gods
2015/11 Bruce Lee's Leaf Question Fist Chunken
Hunchun Kenmon master Yip Mann Museum
There is "Yaidodo"
Bruce Lee is Yip Mann's apprentice
2015/11 Dragon Wall
There is a cast iron animal unicorn around
There are many cast iron statues
 2015/11 多数の神像 2015/11 ブルース・リーによって葉問派詠春拳 2015/11 竜壁

7  Foshan 2, China  

Bus from Dali to foshan
It takes about 45 minutes.
Foshan is a tourist destination.
2016/9/10 Hyakuhana Square
Nearby are Foshan Ancestral Temple and Lingnan Tiandi.
Next to the grandmother of the subway station.
Hyakka Plaza LAYA BARGER
The clerk spoke English.
WeChat was replaced.
2016/9/10 百花広場 2016/9/10 百花広場

A view of the outside from Hyakuhana Square.
2016/9/15 Supermarket near the hotel
I went every week to buy food.
I took a photo because it was the last time.
2016/9/15 Lingnan Tiandi
From here, I went to Lingnan Tiandi.
It is a calm dining area.
There is a fountain.

2016/9/10 百花広場 2016/9/15 ホテルの近くのスーパー 2016/9/15 岭南天地

2016/9/15 Lingnan Tiandi
Western-style passage.

2016/9/15 Lingnan Tiandi
It's a big cafeteria.

2016/9/15 Lingnan Tiandi
There are a lot of western style shops.

2016/9/15 岭南天地 2016/9/15 岭南天地 2016/9/15 岭南天地

2016/9/15 Lingnan Tiandi
I think it ’s Vietnamese food.
There are shops in various countries.

2016/9/15 Lingnan Tiandi
Lingnan Tiandi exhibition.
There was only an explanation panel.
2016/9/15 Lingnan Tiandi
There are a lot of things that look like bills.
2016/9/15 岭南天地

2016/9/15 岭南天地

2016/9/15 岭南天地

2016/9/15 Lingnan Tiandi
2016/9/15 Lingnan Tiandi
A large bell tower in the center.

2016/9/15 Lingnan Tiandi
I ate Korean food.
A Japanese colleague and blue sky snack girls.
2016/9/15 岭南天地 2016/9/15 岭南天地 2016/9/15 岭南天地

8  Korea  
In Korea, fried chicken and beer specialty stores are popular.
It's delicious.
A famous Jeonju chicken restaurant in Korea.
Chicken dishes are very popular.
If you eat, you will be fine.
Cholula North Road, Wanju
It is delicious even if you eat with salt.
The location of the shop is a bit far from the city centre.

Wall of Seoul (Hanyang)
Total length 19km.
Hanyang City Castle Museum.
Seoul wall decorations
It is a change in wall decorations for 600 years.
Hanyang City Castle Museum.
1/25/2019 Many visitors
Hanyang City Castle Museum.
History education for elementary school students.

2019/1/25 ソウル(漢陽)の壁 2019/1/25 ソウル(漢陽)の壁の装飾品 2019/1/25 たくさんの見学者

Located in Dongdaemun History & Culture Park
Seoul wall

Located in Dongdaemun History & Culture Park
Seoul wall

2019/1/25 Seoul Wall on Hill
How to make the wall is a new style.

You can see Dongdaemun Station.
2019/1/25 東大門歴史文化公園にあるソウルの壁 2019/1/25 興仁之門とソウルの壁 2019/1/25 丘の上のソウルの壁

2019/1/25 in front of Myeongdong Station

2019/1/25 Cold noodle shop
It is a shop that can be seen in front.

2019/1/25 cold noodles
It looks delicious.
There was no beer.
2019/1/25 明洞駅前

2019/1/25 冷麺のお店

2019/1/25 冷麺

2019/1/26 Daytime Myeongdong
Many people are lining up.
2019/1/26 Beans you can taste
It tasted like mint.

2019/1/26 Standing eating
2019/1/26 昼間の明洞 2019/1/26 試食できる豆 2019/1/26 立ち食い

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