Dies Database DIES


Dies database


Automatic Extrusion of the First Billet Head in a Die


Dies Database Screen


Touch Panel Screen


Dies Database

By registering the control information in the dies database and linking it with the controller there are the following advantages.

    1. Extrusion reference velocity management
    2. Optimal control for each die
    3. Automatic extrusion of the first billet head in a die
    4. Standardization of the load reduction and work of the operators
    5. Simplification of the procedure instructions documents

At present, the link with the dies database is possible through the method shown in Figure 6-1. The operator inputs the die numbers from the touch panel. The controller does the first billet head control and uniform velocity control in accordance with the control information in the database. A LAN connection like that shown in Figure 6-2 is also possible.

                     Figure 6-1System Constitution Diagram


                    Figure 6-2 System Constitution Diagram

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Automatic Extrusion of the First Billet Head in a Die

Usually, the operator extrudes the first billet head of a die by varying the control volume up and down, but the controller does it automatically. The processing flow is as follows.

  1. The operator pushes the start button  (the controls reads the first billet head signal automatically from the machine).
  2. When the head appears, the operator turns on the cycle stop once. If the cycle stop is turned off, the ram speed goes up slowly.
  3. The operator has the ability to adjust the signal of the cycle stop  on or off.
  4. The controller will raise the ram speed gradually and do the uniform velocity control when the first billet head signal turns off.
In the second step above, the operator does not turn off the cycle stop, so the extrusion will not be delayed, and therefore, productivity is high.  In most cases, with the manual method, the operator would usually turn on the cycle stop to manually adjust the puller to catch the aluminum sash head that extrudes from the die.  Turning on the cycle stop lowers productivity and therefore is unfavorable. 

The fourth step above happens when the product is caught by the puller. Yet, if there is no puller, the second cycle stop does not come readily, and the controller regards that signal as off.

The control method is divided into two types of dies, a hollow die and a solid die.

Without connecting with the dies database the first billet head control is possible only with the usage of the first billet head signal.

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Dice Database Screen

Menu Screen of Dies Database

This screen is displayed when [Data Renewal, Elimination by Table Format] button is clicked from the main menu.  Here, the ram speed control information for each die can be set.

This screen is displayed when [Data Renewal, Elimination for a Die] button is clicked from the main menu. Here, the ram speed control information for each die can be set.

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Touch Panel Screen

Dies Database Menu Screen of the Touch Panel

Dies Codes Input Screen-ram reference speed and puller reference speed are searched from the Dies Database in the computer when a die code is set.

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